No results found になったときにやったこと メモ


デフォルトは Last 15 minutes になっているので
15分以上前のデータしかなければ 下記メッセージが出てグラフは表示されない

No results found 
Unfortunately I could not find any results matching your search. I tried really hard. I looked all over the place and frankly, I just couldn't find anything good. Help me, help you. Here are some ideas:

Expand your time range
I see you are looking at an index with a date field. It is possible your query does not match anything in the current time range, or that there is no data at all in the currently selected time range. Click the button below to open the time picker. For future reference you can open the time picker by clicking the time picker  in the top right corner of your screen.

Refine your query
The search bar at the top uses Elasticsearch's support for Lucene Query String syntax. Let's say we're searching web server logs that have been parsed into a few fields.